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The Richmond upon Thames School

The Richmond upon Thames School

Excellence Through Endeavour


Friends of Richmond upon Thames School 


At RTS we have developed a very active FoRTS. Whether you join RTS as a Parent, Carer or member of staff you will automatically become a member of FoRTS and will be contacted by representatives to join us at events and support our children.

We do encourage anybody and everyone to join us.  We have a diverse membership, and it is important that people get involved so that all voices and ideas can be heard.  So why not take the plunge and get involved, volunteer, or donate to help to make a difference.

FoRTS Mission

Our mission is simple:

  • To support the growing RTS community through creating opportunities for parents/carers and teaching staff to connect and support each other for the benefit of the pupils
  • To raise funds to enhance every RTS student’s learning experience at school

We are delighted to have been granted charitable status (18.06.2020) so we can now claim Gift Aid on any voluntary contributions to help achieve our mission. Our Registered Charity Number is 1189995.

We aim to spend at least 60% of funds raised in the year in which they were raised - so your help and fund raising efforts immediately help your children. The remainder goes towards larger commitments which require more time to save up for.

FoRTS Committee

We are parents/carers of children who attend RTS.  All work done on behalf of FoRTS is voluntary and is done for no personal financial gain.

The Committee Officers are:

Chair (Officer role) – Carmelle

Treasurer (Officer role) – Jason / Somi 

Secretary (Officer role) – Carmelle 

Committee Member – Vacant

Committee Member – Vacant

Committee Member – Vacant

Please get in touch via email: if you would like more information or would like to nominate yourself as a committee member.

Other Key FoRTS Coordinators

RTS Staff link – Pippa Wright

Rugby Coordinator - Brad

All members of FoRTS are eligible to put themselves forward for election as an Officer, or for the Committee, and all are eligible to vote.

FoRTS Constitution

The FoRTS Constitution - based on a Parentkind PTA standard template - confirms our two purposes:

  1. Developing effective relationships between parents/carers and teachers
  2. Engaging in activities or providing facilities which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.

We interpret both of these as providing activities that encourage and promote the building of a positive community between the parents/carers of pupils and the school, primarily via fundraising activities, that provide funds to advance the education of the pupils.  

A copy of the FoRTS Constitution is available upon request via email:

What does FoRTS do?

FoRTS supports the school by organising fundraising events and marshalling the school car park on event days at Twickenham stadium. All of these fundraising enterprises are run by parent/carer volunteers; and RTS staff also play a key and active role.  After the money has been raised, we decide in consultation with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) how the funds can be spent to improve the learning environment for every pupil at school.

As well as raising money, FoRTS events/fundraisers endeavour to create opportunities for parents/carers to meet together in order to form links with each other and extend the community spirit that is already well established at RTS.  Current parents/carers attend induction events for new starters to be available to answer the many queries new parents/carers have; and support school events, such as the school play, to be available to support current parents/carers who are looking to link up together.

Click here to see a placemat setting out FoRTS aspirations and typical events conducted each year to deliver these enrichment opportunities. Here is this year’s proposed calendar

FoRTS Achievements

FoRTS events can be grouped as follows:

  • Enrichment events:  Events that promote a community spirit within the School.

  • Opportunity enhancements:  Primarily fund raising events to finance enhanced opportunities for RTS students. 

We have created a series of “dashboards” that highlight the FoRTS achievements in these areas:

  • Click here for a dashboard on the FoRTS achievements for the academic year (2021/2022)

  • Click here for a dashboard on the FoRTS achievements for the 2020/2021 academic year

  • Click here for a dashboard on the FoRTS achievements for the 2019/2020 academic year.

  • Click here for a dashboard on the FoRTS achievements for the combined 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 academic years.

How To Get Involved

Everyone leads busy lives.  FoRTS is committed to enhancing every student's learning experience through facilitating those that can offer help, in any way they are able.

This may be through donating money, time, ideas, experience, connections….the list is inexhaustive.

If you want to be involved in any way, big or small, you can contact FoRTS directly via email:; or via the RTS School Office:

Look out for when our FoRTS meetings take place (usually once a term), and news on FoRTS latest achievements and requests for volunteers in the RTS Parents' Newsletter.

We have a WhatsApp group to ease communication for organising events.  To request to join the ‘FoRTS fundraising’ group please email:

We have a team of dedicated marshals for the event car parking.  If you can give time to join this fun team, please email to join the ‘Rugby Parking’ WhatsApp group.

See the Code of Conduct section for details on communications on the FoRTS fundraising WhatsApp group; and FoRTS email.

If you are not ready to sign up to anything yet, but want to find out more about FoRTS, you can do that by coming along to a meeting or emailing and one of our committee will call you to answer any queries and give more information.


If you are time-challenged like many of us are, you can still contribute to FoRTS as follows:

  • Easyfundraising - support 'Friends of RTS' as you do your everyday shopping online with over 4700 retailers. You can sign up with your email or Facebook; and make sure to add your donation reminder (which will show you if you are shopping on a site that could earn FoRTS a contribution). Donations vary based on retailer and size of purchase - the retailers pay this, not you. A smartphone app is also available.

Upcoming Events

Look out for all upcoming events announced in the RTS Parents' Newsletter.  

FoRTS Code of Conduct and Communication Protocols on WhatsApp; and FoRTS emails

FoRTS: Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct binds both committee and non-committee members of the Friends of The Richmond upon Thames School (“FoRTS”).

These guidelines describe the basic expectations for behaviour and the importance for all members to conduct themselves professionally and ethically, and will run alongside our constitution, which is a legally binding document.  In order for FoRTS to function successfully it is essential that all members agree to follow these guidelines while in acting in association with FoRTS.

The Code

  • Any parent or guardian of a pupil attending The Richmond upon Thames School ("RTS") and all members of school staff are deemed to be members of FoRTS, with the vested interest in enhancing the school for all
  • All work done on behalf of the FoRTS is voluntary and is done for no personal gain
  • All members will act in the best interest of FoRTS and the school
  • All members will be encouraged to make relevant and positive contributions to meetings they attend
  • All parents/carers are automatically members of FoRTS and as such the membership of FoRTS reflects the diversity of the school. We know that different ideas, perspectives and backgrounds create a stronger and more effective team and so encourage all to be actively involved. All members have the right to be heard and must respect each other’s opinions
  • All members must communicate together responsibly. All correspondence to FoRTS should be sent to or the FoRTS WhatsApp group as appropriate.  Sensitive topics should be sent via email, not via the FoRTS WhatsApp group.  Any matters relating to the school, should be directed to the School Office ( See ‘FoRTS guidance for using WhatsApp’ document for further information
  • Any items emailed through to the FoRTS email address may not be answered immediately. All committee members work on behalf of the FoRTS on a voluntary basis, in their free time, and may not be able to address issues straight away. Any query raised will need to be discussed by the committee and, if necessary, will be added to their next meeting agenda
  • The committee will work to the rules stated in their constitution.  As per the constitution, decisions will be made by a majority vote of the elected committee members.  The committee may from time to time consult with the wider membership, however the committee’s decision is final
  • All members must ensure that any material or discussion of a confidential nature, especially matters concerning individual staff, pupils or parents/guardians, is confined to the meeting, attended only by elected committee members. Names will be blacked out of the meeting minutes, if necessary
  • The committee should be made aware of any conflict of interest and the person involved should withdraw from any discussion pertaining to that subject
  • All members must respect the school and personal property
  • All paperwork and assets relating to FoRTS are the property of FoRTS, and not that of the individual. When leaving FoRTS a member should return any relevant paperwork or assets to the FoRTS committee
  • Should it be deemed by the committee that any member has disregarded this code, or their actions have brought FoRTS, or the school, into disrepute, the committee has the right to exclude that member from future involvement.  The procedure for removal of a FoRTS member or FoRTS committee member is stated in the constitution.

Advice for FoRTS, WhatsApp; and Email use

Check members are parents/carers before accepting them into the group.

  • For safeguarding reasons, it’s important to check that all members are parents/carers of a student at RTS before allowing them into the group
  • If you’re unsure if someone is a parent/carer of a student, check with the
    School Office before accepting them

Enable post approval

  • FoRTS does not support the use of Facebook as a means of communication
  • For platforms that don’t allow post approval (e.g. WhatsApp or an email chain), you’ll need to read all comments carefully to see if they break any rules and then ask the parent/carer to remove their comment if it does

Group rules

The following rules should be visible to all users:

  1. Be respectful to staff, children and other parents/carers at all times
  2. Don’t use the group to complain about a member of staff or the school. Raise complaints through the school’s official channels so they can be dealt with in the appropriate way
  3. Don’t use the group to call attention to, or to try to solve, specific behaviour incidents. Discuss these with the tutor or another member of staff so they can respond in line with the school’s behaviour policy
  4. Only share or post pictures of your own child. Get permission from another child’s parents before posting or sharing photos of them

Parents will be removed from WhatsApp or email groups if they violate the group’s rules.

When to report something to the school

Speak to a senior member of staff, if:

  • Someone posts something in your group that is aggressive or abusive
  • Someone in your group has broken a rule, or consistently breaks the rules, and hasn’t responded to your requests or warnings about their behaviour
  • Someone says something that suggests that a pupil may be at risk of harm
  • Someone makes an allegation about inappropriate behaviour by a member of school staff

The school will decide what further action should be taken.

[Adapted from © The Key Support Services Ltd]

FoRTS Documents (Newsletters, Minutes, etc.)

If anyone would like to see past AGM, General Meeting or Committee Meeting Minutes, these are available by emailing and confirming the date(s) for the relevant meetings you are interested in.

Pre-loved Uniform 

If you have any uniform that you would like to donate, your child can take it into school and drop if off at Reception. Please ensure that the uniform is clean and in good condition. Thank you in advance.

FoRTS aim to sell pre-loved uniform at all school events. Advance notice will be given in the RTS Parent Newsletter. If you would be able to volunteer to sell uniform, or have any other queries please email:

All proceeds go directly towards FoRTS.