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The Richmond upon Thames School

The Richmond upon Thames School

Excellence Through Endeavour

Latest News

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  • 16/03/20

    School Events & Enrichment Cancellations

    UPDATE: 16 March 2020 Following today’s Government announcement, and the publication of their guidance on Social Distancing, the Trustees and I have taken the decision to: close the school early (at 15:00) on Tuesdays and Thursdays (effective immediately), cancel school eve...
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  • 12/03/20

    Health Advice - COVID-19

      We are taking advice from the Department for Education and Public Health England on protecting our students and staff from COVID-19.  Risk Assessment We assess risks daily and will keep parents informed of any significant developments.  Please see the following link for the...
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  • 29/02/20

    Ofsted Inspection Report

    Following our first Ofsted Inspection, which took place 29-30 January 2020, it is with great pleasure that we can report that Ofsted has rated the school “Good” overall and “Outstanding” for students’ personal development. RTS is very pleased that Ofsted have recog...
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  • 25/02/20

    Early closure - Wednesday 26 February 2020 at 15:00

    School will close early at 15:00 on Wednesday 26 February 2020. This is due to Year 8 Subject Consultation Evening taking place 15:30-19:30.
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  • 11/02/20

    Year 9 GCSE Options Event: Wednesday 12 February 2020, 18:00-20:00

    Presentation to parents/students by Ms Wright and Curriculum Leaders; with an opportunity for parents and students to speak to Curriculum Leaders after the presentation should they have any further questions about the process.
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  • 20/01/20

    Parent Forum - Wednesday 29 January, 18:30-19:30

    The next Parent Forum meeting is on Wednesday 29 January 2020, 18:30-19:30. We aim to: Explain the changes to requirements for RSE coming in from September 2020 Explain how we currently teach RSE, and get your views on how well this curriculum works Get your views on what...
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  • 06/01/20

    Spring Term starts Tuesday 7 January 2020 at 09:45. Due to staff training the gates will not open for students until 09:30.

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  • 04/12/19

    Scholastic Book Fair

    The Scholastic Book Fair will be back in school, in the ILZ, next week Monday 9 - Friday 13 December. Students will have an opportunity to come with their class to purchase books during the school day. The Fair will also be open daily at lunchtime and during the RTS Christmas Fair on Wednesday 11...
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  • 29/11/19

    Christmas Arrangements

    Christmas Lunch is on Friday 13 December - and it is also Christmas Jumper Day. Wear a silly jumper over your school uniform and bring in a suggested donation from 50p.
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  • 11/11/19

    School Closure

    The school will close EARLY on the following dates: Wednesday 13 November at 15:00 - Year 7 Parent/Tutor Consultation Evening Wednesday 20 November at 15:00 - Year 8 Parent/Tutor Consultation Evening Wednesday 27 November at 15:00 - Year 9 Parent/Tutor Consultation Evening Thursday 12 De...
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  • 30/09/19

    Changes to school times w/c 30 September 2019

    Our Open Evening takes place on Wednesday 02 October from 18:30-20:30. Therefore the school will close at 15:00 on Wednesday 02 October and open at 09:45 on Thursday 03 October. Please note that the school gates will not be able to be opened until 09:30 on Thursday.
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