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The Richmond upon Thames School

The Richmond upon Thames School

Excellence Through Endeavour


Public Examinations 

Here you will find all the information you need for the Examinations period. 

The school’s public exams season begins with MFL oral exams on 22nd April 2024; with first written exams on 09 May 2024. The exams season ended on 19 June 2024.

If you have questions on any of this guidance - please contact the School Office via in the first instance so that we can direct your query to the appropriate member of staff.

GCSE Results Day - FAQs

Questions Answer

When and how are results released?

GCSE results will be ready for collection from the RTS Assembly Hall from 09:00am to 10:30am on Thursday 22 August. Staff will be available to assist on the day. In the event of a student being unable to collect their results in person, a statement of results will be distributed to the student's Arbor email account. Results cannot be sent to parents/guardians.
Can I get my results early? We cannot distribute results any earlier than 09:00 on Thursday 22 August. 
What post results services are available? Please see these slides for an explanation of all post results services. 
How do I apply for post results services?

Please fill in the Post Results Request Form 2024.

Responses will be monitored daily by the Exams team. Should the papers requested for clerical re-checks and reviews of marking not meet the criteria, you will be informed by a member of the Exams team via email. 

Should your request meet the criteria, you will receive a confirmation email that the post results service requested has been applied for.

A reminder that a review of marking is not a remark of the paper

What is the wait time for each Post Results Service?
  • Access to Scripts - 5 calendar days
  • Clerical Re-checks - up to 10 calendar days
  • Review of Marking - up to 20 calendar days
What criteria must I meet to apply for a clerical re-check or review of marking? Students must be within 2 marks of the upper grade boundary in order to qualify for a review of marking. Once a request is submitted via the Google form, the Exams team will review the marks received for each paper requested against the grade boundaries. A reminder that marks can go down as well as up. 
What are the deadlines for each service?
  • AQA and WJEC
    • All service requests: 26 September
  • Pearson
    • Priority Review of Marking: 31 August
    • All other services: 28 September
Can I appeal a decision? Appeals can only be made to the exam boards under extenuating circumstances. This can only be done once a review of marking has been applied for and an outcome received. If you believe you have grounds for an appeal against a decision made by the exam board, fill in the Post Results Request Form 2024
I think my results are wrong; what should I do? Request the access to scripts service for the exams you believe have been marked incorrectly. From here, a clerical recheck or review of marking can be requested should you notice any clerical errors (e.g. missing marks, incorrect marking).
When are certificates issued? Certificates are usually issued in November. An email will go to all students (not parents/guardians) when the certificates are ready for collection.

Links to Resources for Students During the Exam Period


RTS Internal Assessments

Year 7

  • AP4 Health Check - Attitudes to Learning Summary were released via Arbor on 09 February 2024.

Year 8 

  • AP4 Health Check - Attitudes to Learning Summary were released via Arbor on 09 February 2024.

Year 9

  • AP4 Health Check - Attitudes to Learning Summary were released via Arbor on 09 February 2024.

Year 10

  • AP4 Health Check - Attitudes to Learning Summary were released via Arbor on 09 February 2024.